Is There Life On Jupiter?

4 May 1995

Many people have wondered if there is live on some of the other planets in our solar system. Here is some information about that subject........ .........................................................................


Has Awareness indicated before what kind of life, if any, is on Jupiter?


This Awareness indicates that It has not discussed this. This Awareness indicates that there is however, a humaoid type of civilization there. These not of earthly types, but of a variety of humanoid types, Jupiter being a kind of base for travelers. This Awareness indicates that entities traveling from other places in the galaxy normally use Saturn as a way station, but some stop on Jupiter. Saturn appears to be the more commonly used way station.


Are those who are planning this Galileo project aware that there is life on Jupiter?


This Awareness indicates that this does not appear to be so; it appears the entities are mostly concerned about the alien forces planning to use Jupiter as a way station on a trip toward earth; that these entities are seen as a threat to earth; these Draconians. The people working on this project are being given some help from cetrain of the Greys who recognize the Draconian threat to earth and to their own feedoms and future well-being.

The Greys see they have a better future by aligning themsleves with humans in this project to stop the incoming flow of Dranconian Forces.

JW Well we shall see if there is any truth to this or not.

Source Of Information: REVELATIONS OF AWARENESS, COSMIC AWARENESS COMMUNICATIONS, P.O. Box 115, Olympia, Washington, 98507.

Remember: A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small package.

John Winston.

Original file name: 95.05.04 Life On Jupiter?

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